Salt and Pepper Diamonds – One in a Million Type.

salt and pepper diamonds

Salt and Pepper Diamonds? What are they? Let’s understand this one in a million type of diamond in more detail. In this world full of traditional activities many of us want to stand out, most of us are looking for something that defines our personality. What do most people think when they are searching to […]

Comparing Salt and Pepper Diamonds and Black Diamonds for Your Ring

Salt And Pepper VS Black Diamond Ring

Salt And Pepper VS Black Diamond Ring The trend of unique diamond collections is widely taking over the fashion industry. From birthstones to speckled raw diamonds, jewelers are sorting the finest creations of the world’s most luxurious stones to redefine the diamond industry.  One unique diamond selection for salt and pepper vs black diamond ring, […]

Brilliant Cut VS Rose Cut Diamonds: Which Cut Shines Brighter?

Brilliant Cut VS Rose Cut Diamond Ring

Brilliant Cut VS Rose Cut Diamond Ring   Diamonds have always been a sparkling symbol of love and romance. Each cut and facet symbolizes the beauty of the relationship and the values you add to each other’s aura. The most gorgeous diamonds in history have been the brilliant cut and rose cut diamonds.  Today, couples […]

Meaning of black diamond – history, importance and trend!

black diamond meaning

Black Diamond: Its Meaning, History, Importance, And Trend Black diamonds are black beauties admired by many people worldwide for their exceptional nature, the black diamond meaning is a popular search over search engines nowadays. The mysterious black color attracts gemstone collectors and lovers who believe in the importance of black diamonds or carbonados. Black diamonds […]

What are different Diamond Cuts? Why It is Important in Diamond 4 C’s

What are different Diamond Cuts?

What are different Diamond Cuts? The diamond’s shape or “cut” is the first noticeable attribute of the precious stone to any eye. While the decisions you make concerning carat, color shade, and clarity all assume a considerable part in tracking down an ideal stone, maybe the most excellent choice will pick a diamond shape. We’ve […]

Natural Vs Treated Black Diamonds

Natural Vs Treated Black Diamonds

Natural Vs Treated Black Diamonds Many of us are confused between natural black diamonds and treated black diamonds, Let’s learn in detail about the Difference between Natural Vs Treated Black diamonds in this blog. Introduction Black Diamonds, otherwise called ‘carbonados,’ the mysterious charm of characteristic dark precious stones makes them a top choice with gatherers […]